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How We Help with the School

New Projects

We are fortunate to have a brand new school.  Like with the old Buckeye Valley West, though, we want the school to be a safe, happy, and energetic place that represents the BVW Community well.  Because of this, we have earmarked funds to be used for a project(s) in the new school.  In the past, the PTO has raised money for the playground, put in a gazebo structure, and helped purchase gym equipment, etc.  We are not sure what this money will be spent on yet, because we wanted there to a "wear in" period in the school before we can see what emerges as a need or an affordable endeavor that will enhance the school.

Coordinate Events

The PTO is always willing to step up and help, even with school sponsored events.  This includes organizing parts of, and disseminating information at open houses, as well as making sure the entire staff is nourished on parent/teach conference days (which can be very long!).  Additionally, we help fund the art wall every year, which is not only an exhibition of student achievement, but helps display beautiful art pieces for the parent to see.

Probably the largest event we help coordinate is Field Day.  This year, Field Day is going "old school" and concentrating on old fashioned games (sack races, water balloons, etc), as the inflatables of years past are being moved to be part of the new and improved Carnival!

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