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How We Help Students

Field Trips

The PTO currently sets aside just under $13,000 a year for field trips and in-school assemblies combined.  Field trips are educational in nature and have been to places like the Columbus Zoo, Lehner's Farm, historical sites, and to see children's theater.  There are also additional trips in which the PTO just covers the busing of the students to help subsidize the cost and help turn the trips into reality.

In School Assemblies

As stated above, the PTO currently sets aside just under $13,000 a year for field trips and in-school assemblies combined.  To help accommodate the schools' needs better, much of this money is spent on "In-School Assemblies." These assemblies bring educational assemblies into BVW so that all students can benefit from the content while cutting down on transportation costs.  Some in-school assemblies that our students have had the benefit of attending compliments of the PTO are COSI's traveling science center, the Lizard Man, the Bug Guy, traveling theater, artists in residence, and children's authors. The PTO also funds the yearly movie license, so that the students have access to a large library of videos to enhance their learning.


In a perfect world, the district would be able to cover any and all of the needs expressed by our teachers to help enhance student learning. Unfortunately, public schools do not have the money needed for some of these "extras."  The PTO sets aside between $3,000 and $6,000 a year to help with these requests.  Examples of the money spent from this year and years past are smart boards, laptops/tablets, advanced book sets, and audio/visual equipment.

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