We listened. We understand just how many activities your children participate in -- all of which need some sort of funding. Whether its sports or the scouts, it seems everyone is selling something. You worry that the neighbors will stop answering the door. You have two kids and aren't sure how to split the orders so that "credit" is equitable. We heard you, and we get it.
Because of this, the PTO has engaged a "smarter, not harder" mantra when it comes to fundraising for our school. We aren't going to sell flowers, nor candles, nor chocolate. All of the money from families/friends will be generated by NON-SELLING means.
We have a direct donation campaign. You send money in an envelope or pay for your child(ren) online to be eligible for raffles. One action and done. Another means by which we fund raise is family events. Now, these do not bring in a lot of money, because we like to keep them lower cost, but every few bucks help. These are things like Pancakes with Santa or a paint or movie night. Dine to donate events fall into this bucket as well. You don't have to cook, and a few bucks are thrown our way.
A really large "smarter, not harder" source of money for the PTO is through rewards programs such as Kroger, Giant Eagle, Coca-Cola, and Amazon. We receive money back just from you shopping! It's so easy. For the 2018-2019 year, this generated over $5000 for the school.
These are outlined in the dropdowns under the fundraising bar.